We choose to run. Run from mediocrity.

Advanced Baseball Strength Training Programs



Movement Prep / Dynamic Warm-Up: Each session starts with a structured, group dynamic warm-up. This is the time to get the blood flooding, body primed, and working on specific mobility needs.

Speed & Agility: Speed & agility training will be the first segment of the session each day. Initially, athletes will start by doing submaximal speed drills to develop and execute the proper running form. Once the form is established, athletes will go through an array of drills that will progress throughout the program and pertain directly to baseball demands. The goal in mind is to accelerate faster, develop higher top-end speed, react quicker, and change directions more efficiently with more skillful form.

Plyometrics: Proper jumping and landing mechanics will be taught through plyometric training. Athletes will learn how to become reactive and explosive through jumping, hops, and bound progressions. Along with the lower body focus, each day athletes will also work some type of rotational power movement. We focus on rotational power for our explosive movements since both pitching and hitting rely on it for success.

Strength Training: The focus within the strength training phase is learning proper form on a variety of exercises. Athletes will be coached on the basics of lifting starting at higher rep ranges to create proper movement patterns in a safe manner. Proper form takes precedence over weight. Once an athlete fully understands the movement, they will then slowly be loaded with heavier weights to shape their strength foundation. Strength training exercises are always changing from season to season. Examples of strength training exercises include but are not limited to: squat variations, deadlifts, lunge variations, rowing/pulling movements, pressing movements, and core exercises.

Arm Care:  It’s very important that baseball players regularly work on developing a stronger, healthier shoulder through scapular and rotator cuff stabilization. Each day there will be an arm care focus with set exercises for each athlete to complete. These are tedious exercises that most athletes haven’t been exposed to, but will help tremendously with longevity and safety. 

Mobility / Soft Tissue Circuit: As the session finishes up, athletes will have a set of mobility and soft tissue exercises to complete before leaving. This will accelerate the recovery process and promote feeling better between workouts. The mobility portion will correspond to areas of the body that our athletes lifted that day. We will also focus on an individual’s overall problematic areas. The soft tissue routine will be done with a foam roller with the same level of attention to detail and excellence as our lifts.